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Product support

DocuColor 4 LP

Sürücüler ve Yüklemeler

Recommended Materials for DocuColor 4 LP/CP - v2.2


Media recommendations made in this publication are based on qualification tests conducted using standard test images with moderate to heavy image area coverage. Test duration for each product/media type is based on the suggested machine monthly copy/print volume. Test machines are maintained within specifications defined by user documentation.

  • Yayınlanma Tarihi: 27.09.2002
  • Boyut: 32.90 KB
  • Dosya adı: DC4_RML_v2.2.pdf
  • Etiketler: Önerilen Ortam Listesi

Supported languages

  • English (N. America)

Supported products

  • DocuColor 4 LP
  • DocuColor 4 CP
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