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Product support - Windows XP

WorkCentre 7755/7765/7775

Ovladače a další prvky ke stažení

Vyberte prosím ze seznamu digitální front-end systém a stiskněte Použít filtry

Note, when downloading a print driver, please select your operating system from the "Platform" drop down menu

Poznámka k operačnímu systému

Windows XP Notification: Konec podpory systému Windows XP -- Co potřebujete vědět (PDF-Angličtina)



Firmware Warning: It is highly recommended to consult with your Network or System Administrator before performing any software (firmware) update. Some updates may cause the machine to become non-compliant and cease to work as intended with the environment in which it is installed.


WorkCentre 7755/7765/7775 System Software version

The .zip file includes a PSCrashFixv4.dlm patch file which addresses an issue with PostScript files that may cause unexpected device behavior. Please see the Installation Instructions for steps on how to install the patch file.

  • Zveřejněno: 21.10.2010
  • Verze:
  • Velikost: 247.44 MB
  • Název souboru: WC77xx_06109022019700.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: EFI Fiery Controller, built-in controller

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