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Product support - Windows XP

Phaser 6300/6350

Drivere og nedlastinger

Note, when downloading a print driver, please select your operating system from the "Platform" drop down menu


Windows XP Notification: Windows XP slutt på støtte -- Alt du trenger å vite (PDF - Engelsk)


Utilities & Applications


Firmware Warning: Det anbefales sterkt at du forhører deg med din nettverks- eller systemadministrator før du foretar eventuelle programvare (fastvare)-oppdateringer. Enkelte oppdateringer kan føre til at maskinen blir ikke-kompatibel og slutter å fungere som den skal med miljøet den er installert i.




Apple Public Source License

Some software in this product is covered by the Apple Public Source License. This license gives customers the right to obtain a copy of the software and a copy of the License. This link gives you the opportunity to access the software and the license. Since the software is already part of the product downloading it will not enhance the product or provide any new capabilities. This is here simply to comply with the Apple Public Source License.

  • Lansert: 06/14/2005
  • Størrelse: 20.20 KB
  • Filnavn: ApplePublicSourceLicense.txt

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