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Product support - Windows XP

DocuColor 242/252/260

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Utilities & Applications



Patch (1-1J9XON) for DocuColor 242/252/260 with Built-in Fiery Controller

PREREQUISITES = ProdID, 1-1U8E58, 1-18SMZM, 1-1E21N4, 1-13LK3J, 1-19AZVM, 1-1CNL1W, 1-1H1YIQ, 1-1FLFQA, and 1-1IJ6ZK. Install this patch and reboot the server per the included instructions before applying any further patches.
Patch to fix Network SMB scanning to Windows Server 2012, Win8, Mac OS 10.7/10.8.

  • Zveřejněno: 19.03.2013
  • Verze: 1-1J9XON
  • Velikost: 2.52 MB
  • Název souboru: 1-1J9XON.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: DocuColor 242/252/260 Built-in Fiery Controller

Patch (1-1J9XUG) for DocuColor 242/252/260 with Built-in Fiery Controller

PREREQUISITES = ProdID, 1-1U8E58, 1-18SMZM, 1-1E21N4, 1-13LK3J, 1-19AZVM, 1-1CNL1W, 1-1H1YIQ, 1-1FLFQA, and 1-1IJ6ZK. Install this patch and reboot the server per the included instructions before applying any further patches.
Fiery patch to address security vulnerabilities.

  • Zveřejněno: 18.03.2013
  • Verze: 1-1J9XUG
  • Velikost: 1.32 MB
  • Název souboru: 1-1J9XUG.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: DocuColor 242/252/260 Built-in Fiery Controller

Patch (1-1IJ6ZK) for DocuColor 242/252/260 with Built-in Fiery Controller

PREREQUISITES = ProdID, 1-1U8E58, 1-18SMZM, 1-1E21N4, 1-13LK3J, 1-19AZVM, 1-1CNL1W, 1-1H1YIQ, and 1-1FLFQA. Install this patch and reboot the server per the included instructions before applying any further patches.
Fiery patch to address security vulnerabilities.

  • Zveřejněno: 14.02.2013
  • Verze: 1-1IJ6ZK
  • Velikost: 13.58 MB
  • Název souboru: 1-1IJ6ZK.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: DocuColor 242/252/260 Built-in Fiery Controller

Patch (1-1FLFQA) for DocuColor 242/252/260 with Built-in Fiery Controller

PREREQUISITES = ProdID, 1-1U8E58, 1-18SMZM, 1-1E21N4, 1-13LK3J, 1-19AZVM, 1-1CNL1W, and 1-1H1YIQ. Install this patch and reboot the server per the included instructions before applying any further patches.
Patch to address printing of particular files causes Fiery to hang in parsing.

  • Zveřejněno: 07.12.2012
  • Verze: 1-1FLFQA
  • Velikost: 41.05 MB
  • Název souboru: 1-1FLFQA.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: DocuColor 242/252/260 Built-in Fiery Controller

Composite Patch #4 (1-1H1YIQ) for DocuColor 242/252/260 with built-in Fiery controller

PREREQUISITES = ProdID, 1-1U8E58, 1-18SMZM, 1-1E21N4, 1-13LK3J, 1-19AZVM, and 1-1CNL1W. Install this patch and reboot the server per the included instructions before applying any further patches.
A composite patch which contains multiple fixes. Please see the Customer Letter/Release Notes for contents. Installation Instructions are included in the zip file.

  • Zveřejněno: 08.11.2012
  • Verze: 1-1H1YIQ
  • Velikost: 13.31 MB
  • Název souboru: 1-1H1YIQ_Composite_Patch_4.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: DocuColor 242/252/260 Built-in Fiery Controller

Composite Patch #3 (1-1E21N4) for DocuColor 242/252/260 with built-in Fiery controller

PREREQUISITES = 1-1U8E58 and 1-18SMZM. Install this patch and reboot the server per the included instructions before applying any further patches.
A composite patch which contains multiple fixes. Please see the Customer Letter/Release Notes for contents. Installation Instructions are included at the bottom of the release notes.

  • Zveřejněno: 30.10.2012
  • Verze: 1-1E21N4
  • Velikost: 36.04 MB
  • Název souboru: 1-1E21N4_Composite_Patch_3.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: DocuColor 242/252/260 Built-in Fiery Controller

Composite Patch #2 (1-18SMZM) for DocuColor 242/252/260 with built-in Fiery controller

: PREREQUISITE = 1-1U8E58. Install this patch and reboot the server per the included instructions before applying patch 1-1E21N4
A composite patch which contains multiple fixes. Please see the Customer Letter/Release Notes for contents. Installation Instructions are included at the bottom of the release notes.

  • Zveřejněno: 29.10.2012
  • Verze: 1-18SMZM
  • Velikost: 56.66 MB
  • Název souboru: 1-18SMZM_Composite_Patch_2.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: DocuColor 242/252/260 Built-in Fiery Controller

Composite Patch #1 (1-U8E58) for DocuColor 242/252/260 with built-in Fiery controller

Install this patch and reboot the server per the included instructions before applying patch 1-18SMZM
A composite patch which contains multiple fixes. Please see the Customer Letter/Release Notes for contents. To install see the installation instructions, both files are included with the patch .zip file.

  • Zveřejněno: 20.03.2011
  • Verze: 1-U8E58
  • Velikost: 26.62 MB
  • Název souboru: 1-U8E58-composite1.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: DocuColor 242/252/260 Built-in Fiery Controller

1-10383I Patch, Multiple fixes

This patch is for the following issues. 1. Imposition of duplexed booklets output as simplex. 2. Thin line along left and center when tray alignment is used. 3. LDAP users can not create scan templates.

  • Zveřejněno: 14.11.2008
  • Velikost: 3.06 MB
  • Název souboru: 1-10383I.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: EFI Fiery EXP260

Gradation Table II

Prerequisite(s): CX260_v2.0_SP1 must be installed.
This patch will fix the issue of editing the CX260 gradation table causing the Creo to crash.

  • Zveřejněno: 08.07.2008
  • Velikost: 18.25 MB
  • Název souboru: Patch_Gradation_Table_II.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: Creo Spire CX260

Creo Color Server 2.0 Service Pack 1 for DC 242/252/260 Printer-Copier

Color server software. Make sure you install Spire CX260 2.0 SP1 on top of Scipre CX260 2.0 (Dated April 30 2007) SP1 includes and replaces Patch P1 (dated May 30 2007). There is no need to uninstall the current Spire CX260 software prior to installing SP1.

  • Zveřejněno: 14.10.2007
  • Verze: 2.0 SP1
  • Velikost: 541.07 MB
  • Název souboru: CX260_v2.0_SP1.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: Creo Spire CX260

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