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Product support - Windows XP

ColorQube 8570

Ovladače a další prvky ke stažení

Note, when downloading a print driver, please select your operating system from the "Platform" drop down menu

Poznámka k operačnímu systému

Windows XP Notification: Konec podpory systému Windows XP -- Co potřebujete vědět (PDF-Angličtina)


Utilities & Applications


Firmware Warning: It is highly recommended to consult with your Network or System Administrator before performing any software (firmware) update. Some updates may cause the machine to become non-compliant and cease to work as intended with the environment in which it is installed.


ColorQube 8570/8870 Print Head Update- Recommended

Recommended Upgrade: This upgrade corrects a problem that could allow the printer to generate a 391,535 Right Jetstack Over-temperature Detected Error.

ColorQube 8570 and 8870 printers should be updated:
These devices should be flashed with the file 8570-8870_SetPH-NVM.ps and will take about 10 seconds to update.

  • Zveřejněno: 03.08.2012
  • Velikost: 583.75 KB
  • Název souboru: CQ8570.8870_PHUpdate.zip

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