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Product support

DocuColor 5799

Drivers e Downloads

Splash PCI 5x Print Driver PPD for WIN ME, WIN 2000, and WIN XP


Windows 2000 and Windows XP have not been tested by Xerox Engineering on these Splash Server and therefore is not "officially" supported. Some customers have been successful in using the following configuration, but results may vary.
Splash PCI 5x Print Driver PPD for use with Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows ME clients.

  • Liberado: 26/10/2001
  • Versão: 5.x
  • Tamanho: 24.62 KB
  • Nome do arquivo: PCI_5x_PPDs.zip
  • Tags: PPD
  • Digital Front End: Splash PCI v5.x, Splash PCI v5.x

Supported platforms

  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2000

Supported languages

  • English (N. America)

Supported products

  • DocuColor 5799
  • DocuColor 5750
  • MajestiK 5760
  • MajestiK 5765
  • Regal 5790
  • Splash PCI v5.x

Digital Front End

  • Splash PCI v5.x
  • Splash PCI v5.x

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