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Product support - Windows XP

Phaser 3100MFP

Driver e Download

Note, when downloading a print driver, please select your operating system from the "Platform" drop down menu

Nota sul sistema operativo

Windows XP Notification: Windows XP End of Support -- What you need to know (PDF)


Utilities & Applications

Utilities & Applications

PC Fax

PC Fax for the Phaser 3100MFP.

  • Rilasciato: 06/08/2008
  • Misura: 101.76 MB
  • Nome del file: XeroxCompanionSuiteProLL2V1_1_5bU.exe


Firmware Warning: Si consiglia di consultare l'amministratore di sistema o di rete prima di eseguire qualsiasi aggiornamento software (firmware). Alcuni aggiornamenti possono causare la mancata conformità della macchina che smette di funzionare come previsto nell'ambiente in cui è installata.


Phaser 3100 MFP (devices that are not equipped with fax) Version 2.07t

This software is intended only for devices that are NOT equipped with fax.
USB installation software for Phaser 3100 MFP devices not equipped with fax.

  • Rilasciato: 26/07/2011
  • Versione: 2.07t
  • Misura: 1.51 MB
  • Nome del file:

Phaser 3100 MFP (devices equipped with fax) version 2.07t

This software is intended only for devices that ARE equipped with fax.
USB installation software for Phaser 3100 MFP devices that are equipped with fax.

  • Rilasciato: 26/07/2011
  • Versione: 2.07t
  • Misura: 2.13 MB
  • Nome del file:

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