Product support
Veuillez sélectionner un serveur d'impression dans la liste, puis appuyez sur Appliquer les filtres
Note, when downloading a print driver, please select your operating system from the "Platform" drop down menu
Le programme d'installation de pilote Xerox Smart Start examine la configuration spécifique de votre système et installe les pilotes appropriés pour imprimer et numériser sur votre périphérique Xerox.
Télécharge et installe les pilotes de numérisation (TWAIN/WIA).
Le pilote gratuit Xerox Global Print Driver gère les imprimantes Xerox et non Xerox de votre réseau grâce à une interface unique conviviale. Il simplifie radicalement la gestion des imprimantes de l'entreprise pour les responsables informatiques, facilitant l'ajout et la mise à jour de ces dernières sans changer de pilote.
Le package de pilotes comprend le PPD générique pour les systèmes d'exploitation Windows et Linux.
Le package de pilote contient le pilote d'imprimante V4 à installer à l'aide de l'Assistant Ajouter une imprimante de Windows
Le package de pilote contient le pilote d'imprimante V4 à installer à l'aide de l'Assistant Ajouter une imprimante de Windows.
Télécharge et installe l'application Xerox Desktop Print Experience. Cette application élargit le jeu de fonctions offertes par les pilotes d'imprimante Xerox V4, avec des ajouts tels que la comptabilisation, l'impression sécurisée, le réglage des couleurs, la création de cahiers, des options de finition avancées, etc., et est requise pour une fonctionnalité d'impression complète pour les pilotes d'impression V4.
Télécharge et installe le Gestionnaire de polices.
For Service Packs: The below Service Pack is the latest firmware release for this model. This software release contains the latest features, security updates and fixes. Ensure you review the Product Enhancement Read Me for details and consult the Installation Guide for any special instructions before installing new firmware.
This release contains the latest updates and features See the Product Enhancement Readme for details
This release contains the latest updates and features See the Product Enhancement Readme for details>Super Patch Readme for details
This release contains the latest updates and features See the Product Enhancement Readme for details
Altalink Firmware Note: The below firmware version is the current release on newly manufactured devices. There may be a newer version listed in the Service Pack category on this page. Ensure you consult the Installation Guide for any special instructions before installing new firmware.
Caution: This release includes the deprecation of the Xerox Extensible Interface Platform (EIP) second-generation browser. If you have any solutions enabled on the Altalink device, you should check their compatibility with this software release before you upgrade (e.g. Kofax, OpenText, PaperCut, Pharos, RSA QDirect, YSoft.) Please fully review the Product Enhancement Readme for details prior to upgrading your device.
If you have a compatibility issue with your solution after upgrading, please see My Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Solution No Longer Works ( to update your AltaLink device to a version that supports the second-generation browser.
This release contains the latest updates and features See the Product Enhancement Readme for details
Caution: This release includes the deprecation of the Xerox Extensible Interface Platform (EIP) second-generation browser. If you have any solutions enabled on the Altalink device, you should check their compatibility with this software release before you upgrade (e.g. Kofax, OpenText, PaperCut, Pharos, RSA QDirect, YSoft.) Please fully review the Product Enhancement Readme for details prior to upgrading your device.
If you have a compatibility issue with your solution after upgrading, please see My Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Solution No Longer Works ( to update your AltaLink device to a version that supports the second-generation browser.
This release contains the latest updates and features See the Product Enhancement Readme for details
Caution: This release includes the deprecation of the Xerox Extensible Interface Platform (EIP) second-generation browser. If you have any solutions enabled on the Altalink device, you should check their compatibility with this software release before you upgrade (e.g. Kofax, OpenText, PaperCut, Pharos, RSA QDirect, YSoft.) Please fully review the Product Enhancement Readme for details prior to upgrading your device.
If you have a compatibility issue with your solution after upgrading, please see My Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Solution No Longer Works ( to update your AltaLink device to a version that supports the second-generation browser.
This release contains the latest updates and features See the Product Enhancement Readme for details