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Product support

Xerox Color J75 Press

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FreeFlow 9.0 Enablement (IPP) patch for the Xerox EX Print Server 1.0 for the Xerox Color Press


Additional features supported: • Pad Printing • Direct Inserts • Enhanced multi-tab set feature • New color profile settings The following FreeFlow products are supported by Xerox EX Printer Server 1.0 must be at the indicated FreeFlow version. o FreeFlow Express to Print v9.0 SP10 o FreeFlow MakeReady v9.0 SP10 o FreeFlow Process Manager v9.0 SP10 o FreeFlow Web Services v9.0 SP10 o FreeFlow Print Manager v9.0 SP10 o FreeFlow Output Manager v9.0 SP10 Contents: - FreeFlow enablement IPP patch: 1-1K6I0U.exe (zip version attached) - Patch Release Notes. (included in zip file)

  • Zveřejněno: 17.09.2013
  • Velikost: 2.87 MB
  • Název souboru: 1-1K6I0U_J75.zip
  • Digitální front-end systém: EFI Fiery Controller

Supported platforms

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 7 x64

Supported languages

  • English (N. America)
  • English (Global)

Supported products

  • Xerox Color J75 Press
  • EFI Fiery Controller

Digitální front-end systém

  • EFI Fiery Controller

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