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Product support

FreeFlow Variable Information Suite

Software a řešení

FreeFlow VI Design Express 12.1x for MAC OS


Download this file if you...
Are interested in a 30-day trial of VI Design Express or...
Are an existing VI Design Express / VIPP Pro Publisher customer wanting to upgrade to version 12.1x (Your current Activation Key will be used to license the new version), or...
Are a new VI Design Express customer with an Activation Key provided in your documentation kit.

  • Zveřejněno: 15.11.2014
  • Verze: 12.1 SP1a
  • Velikost: 488.42 MB
  • Název souboru: VI_Design_Express_12.1_SP1a_Mac.zip

Supported platforms

  • Mac OS X 10.9 - Mavericks
  • Mac OS X 10.8 - Mountain Lion
  • Mac OS X 10.7 - Lion
  • Mac OS X 10.6 - Snow Leopard
  • Mac OS X 10.5 or lower

Supported products

  • FreeFlow Variable Information Suite

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