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Product support

WorkCentre M123/M128

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Network Scanner Utility2/Mailbox Viewer2


The Network Scan Driver for the WorkCentre M123/M128 also includes the Mailbox Viewer 2. This scan driver is used to import scanned images stored in the mailbox of the scanner to TWAIN interface-compatible applications. The Mailbox Viewer2 is a mailbox utility that accesses the mailbox periodically and sends a notification when a new document is received.

  • Zveřejněno: 17.05.2005
  • Verze: 4.2.0IE
  • Velikost: 2.08 MB
  • Název souboru: M123_M128fin_scan.exe
  • Značení: Snímání

Supported platforms

  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2000

Supported languages

  • Finnish

Supported products

  • WorkCentre M123/M128

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