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Product support

Phaser 6360

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Legacy PostScript Driver 64-bit


Windows XP/03 64-bit Postscript Driver installer for the Phaser 6360. THis driver uses the Add Printer Wizard and offers full support of the printer specific features for the Phaser 6360. Microsoft WHQL certified.

  • Zveřejněno: 01.02.2007
  • Velikost: 2.26 MB
  • Název souboru: 6360WinXP_03_AMD64_ChineseS.exe
  • Značení: PostScript, WHQL

Supported platforms

  • Windows Server 2003 x64
  • Windows XP x64

Supported languages

  • Chinese (Simplified)

Supported products

  • Phaser 6360

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